TRACS Accessories

TRACS Accessory catagory

Sand Tires

If you're running your TRACS robots in soft sand, we offer an 8-inch wide balloon tire for improved performance.

These tires come mounted on a cast & milled aluminum rim ready to be installed in place of the existing wheels.

Please note that these are not foam-filled to save weight and they are wider than the robot's armor top.


TRACS Robots can also tow multi-purpose trailers.  These trailers are all-aluminum construction and can be daisy-chained together.

They can be used to move payloads or accept a variety of targets as shown in this video:

Payload Delivery System

The Payload Delivery System is an accessory for the TRACS robots to deploy a hostage rescue phone or other items.

It features a telescoping arm and remote release latch that is activated by the robot operator from the robot's transmitter.


RPG-A5 Remote Paintball Marker




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