TRACS surprises SWAT teams at Urban Shield
TRACS Robots and high explosives on the set of Triggers.
TRACS robots can be outfitted with 8-inch wide balloon tires for improved operation on loose...
The Urban Shield event is held at the Alameda County Sheriff's Training Facility. This event is...
The Huntington Beach SWAT Team engages the TRACS...
Gunsite 260 Shotgun student engages...
The Kraken system expands the capabilities of the world-renowned TRACS training robot line with...
The basic TRACS Robot System is the TAC-10 model. It features 10-inch foam-...
The Hannibal Reactive Target System is a new approach to hit sensing targets.
The RPG-A5 Remote Paintball Gun for the TRACS Robots. Built on the robust Tippmann A-5 action,...
Check out some highlights of the festivities at Urban Shield.
See the TRACS tow over 1200 lbs (550 kg).
TRACS Robots equipped with the Hannibal Reactive Target System give precision rifle training a whole new dimension.
When it's too cold to shoot in Arizona, we still have fun with our robots...
Former Army Ranger and Air Force Pararescueman Wil Willis hosts American Heroes Channell’s newest look inside the history of modern warfare in TRIGGERS: WEAPONS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD.
Combining history, science, technology and revealing demonstrations, this cutting-edge series examines the evolution of firearms and how the development of each one changed the face of combat forever. With access to the top firearms collections in the world, Willis takes viewers on an all-inclusive look into each weapon as he thoroughly examines, tests, critiques and fires each one.
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